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Belize Fisheries Department Announces Closure of Queen Conch Season

In accordance with Statutory Instrument No. 54 of 2012, the Belize Fisheries Department has issued a public notice regarding the closure of the Queen Conch (Strombus gigas) season. The closure, declared by the Honourable Andre Perez, Minister of Blue Economy and Disaster Risk Management, will take effect at the close of business on June 9th, 2024.

The decision to close the Queen Conch fishery stems from the realization of the production quota for the 2023-2024 fishing season. In light of this, all conch fishing activities are mandated to cease as of June 9th, 2024, and will remain suspended until the opening of the next fishing season on October 1st, 2024.

Fishers, establishments, and the general public are advised to use, consume, and dispose of all Queen Conch meat in their possession on or before the closure date of June 9th, 2024. It is emphasized that any person or establishment found in possession of Queen Conch meat after this date will face charges and prosecution in accordance with Fisheries Regulations.

Furthermore, the Belize Fisheries Department urges the public to report any illegal fishing activity by contacting them at 224-4552.

The closure of the Queen Conch fishery reflects the government's commitment to sustainable management practices and the conservation of marine resources in Belize. By adhering to these regulations, stakeholders can contribute to the preservation of Queen Conch populations for future generations.

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