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Panton ready to lead UDP

Hon. Tracey Panton, on her Facebook page, has posted a statement indicating that she is willing and ready to take up the leadership of the mantle. We reproduce her full statement below:


Yesterday, the Hon Patrick Faber announced his resignation as both Leader of the Opposition and Party Leader of our great United Democratic Party. I am sure for him it was a very difficult decision given his life-long commitment to politics and stellar contributions to the building of the United Democratic Party. Given the extenuating circumstances, it was the right thing to do and many agree, the only decision that would be palpable.

My Colleague and Friend be assured that I will continue to hold you and your fiancée in earnest prayer.

The last 14 months have been an extremely challenging time for the United Democratic Party.

We have endured a lot: devastating losses in the most recent General and Municipal Elections and a less than tidy leader transition while grappling with the ravages of a global pandemic have been almost too heavy to bear. The good news is that our great United Democratic Party is both RESOLUTE and RESILIENT. All 31 elected area representatives and divisional caretakers are fully committed to doing the work that is necessary to unite, heal and rebuild. More importantly, we are intent on holding this new Government Administration to account.

It is against this backdrop that I Tracy Panton publicly declare my interest in taking up the leadership mantle for the UDP. As the first woman in Belize to offer herself to lead a mass political party, I have no illusions that this will be an easy undertaking.

It is, however, one that I am willing to embrace fully. I take this opportunity to thank my sister colleagues from UDP National Organization for Women who were the first to provide their unwavering support for my candidacy.

Yes, I Am Ready! I Am Ready to Lead. With the greatest amount of humility, I ask for your support and prayers as we begin this journey together.

With love and friendship, Trac Panton"

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