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Recall Vote for ‘Shyne’ Barrow!

UDP insiders move to remove current Party Leader

By Michelle Sutherland

Inside sources within the United Democratic Party(UDP) have confirmed with The Reporter that a recall vote for the removal of Moses “Shyne” Barrow as party leader is on the horizon as several UDP faithful are making final preparations to deliver the required signatures to the UDP's headquarters on Youth for the Future Drive.

That source, who is said to be a crucial part of the process, told our newsroom that after several weeks on the campaign trail, they have successfully been able to acquire enough signatures to trigger a recall convention to have Barrow removed. While our source would not reveal how many signatures in total were gathered, he indicated that “it is well above the threshold,” which, last we checked, is 172 signatures or two-thirds of the UDP's 516 delegates.

According to the UDP insider, they are now awaiting word from the UDP's headquarters on a protocol for the delivery of the signatures since they say that they are not comfortable with leaving the signatures unattended for fear of them being destroyed. Once that is worked out, the signatures will be delivered anytime between Thursday, October 20th, and Friday, October 21st.

We have also been informed that there is a move afoot to have Albert Area Representative Tracy Taegar Panton throw in her candidacy once more for the post of Party Leader at the upcoming convention. While our source also claims that Taegar has accepted the offer and that the party is planning the way forward, our attempts to reach Panton were futile, as she has opted to reserve her comments “at this time.”

While this latest internal turmoil within the UDP will result in another costly party convention, the fourth since former Right Hon. Dean Barrow demitted his office, it remains to be seen whether “Shyne” Barrow will survive the recall convention like Collet Area Representative Hon. Patrick Faber did last year in July by a mere 32 votes.

Our source also indicated that both old and new delegates within the party have signed on to the recall petition for Barrow to be removed from his post as Party Leader, despite allegations of intimidation by Barrow's allies. Those reports also hinted at Barrow's leadership style as being one of the main contributing factors. There were also concerns regarding his recent refusal to have Faber remain a candidate in the Collet constituency and the fact that he has been traveling abroad more frequently instead of attending to the needs of his people. Also cited was the major defeat that the UDP had undergone at the recent village council elections under his tenure as party leader.

In March of this year, Shyne had emerged victorious over Panton for the leadership title by a mere three votes. Despite Panton's request for a recount, one was never granted, and so “Shyne” Barrow has held the reigns as Party Leader since then.

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